And the Accolades Keep Rolling in.…

Dar­rell received a let­ter of com­men­da­tion over his inven­tion, hand signed by none oth­er than Dianne Jacob, hon­or­able Super­vi­sor of the Sec­ond Dis­trict.  Con­grat­u­la­tions Dar­rell for this lat­est acknowl­edge­ment.  A framed copy will be on dis­play at the San Pasqual Win­ery.  Come on down, check it out, and enjoy some chilled Pas­sion Fruit Habanero on this beau­ti­ful sum­mer evening.

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One Response to And the Accolades Keep Rolling in.…

  1. AJ Modig says:

    I’m so proud of you Dar­rell, great job!!

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