So in the comments for this post, there was some feeling that the picture needed to be straightened out. I hadn’t done this because I didn’t want to lose the 2 fish at the bottom. So as a test I used Photoshop, cloned the fish, moved them further up, and then straighted out the photo. Which version do you prefer?
As I mentioned earlier, I’m thinking about putting out a Balboa Park Calendar. After reviewing my photo’s I’m definitely leaning towards using IR photos for the calendar. These would include original IR’s and IR’s converted to Black & White. (I really believe nothing makes better source material for a black & white then a IR photo. Here is the photo I’m thinking about putting on the cover:
It is amazing how vivid the reflections are!
Beautiful image and I agree that the reflections really make the image. To my eye, the fact that the image isn’t level is a bit disconcerting. I find myself trying to mentally straighten it rather than just enjoy the wonderful scene you’ve captured.
I do like the straightened version better. And you’re absolutely right about not losing the fish, they are a key element in the image.