Wallace K Swan
Wallace K. Swan has a distinguished background covering over 40 years of experience in the fields of public sector management; non-profit governance, consulting, training, and teaching.
He has taught public policy, administrative ethics, public and non-profit finance and organization theory at Western International University, University of St. Thomas, Metropolitan State University, Hamline University, Nova Southeastern University, as well as presenting for University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.
Wally is a Contributing Faculty Member at Walden University in Minneapolis, teaching in the master’s and doctoral programs in public administration. Dr. Swan has studied Latin, French, Russian and Chinese. He has taught “Ethics and Social Justice”, “Organization Management and Leadership”, “Language of Leadership”, “Transformational Change in a Global Environment”, and the Doctoral course “Leadership and Organizational Change”.
Additional Info
Lyle Rossman Senior Memorial Scholarship
The Rossman Scholarship is a $2000 scholarship.
Contributions to the Scholarship may be given online at the following address: In the memo field, mention the Lyle Rossman Senior Award. If you wish to mail a check, send it to: PFund Foundation P.O. Box 3640, Minneapolis, MN 55403. In the memo line mention the “Lyle Rossman Senior Award.”
Wally’s National Activities
Wally currently serves as the Vice Chair of the LGBT Advocacy Action Section of the American Society for Public Administration.
LGBT Public Administration and Policy
Regarding his COVID-19 book, he has presented (1) “COVID-19, the LGBTQIA+ Community and Public Policy” at the Social Equity Leadership Conference: National Academy of Public Administration, June 8, 2022 where he served as the Track #3 Co-Chair for the SELC Conference, (2) “COVID-19, the LGBTQIA+ Community and Public Policy” at the Southeast Public Administration Conference in Lexington Kentucky, October 1, 2022, (3) “COVID-19, the LGBTQIA+ Community and Public Policy” at the ASPA e-book national webinar on October 27, 2022., (4) “COVID-19, the LGBTQIA+ Community and Public Policy” at the St. Louis County Health and Human Services Conference in Duluth Minnesota on October 13, 2022, and (5) “COVID-19, the LGBTQIA+ Community and Public Policy” at the Northeast Public Administration conference in New York City, November 5 2022.
Chaired ASPA national conference panel “The Impact of the Pandemic on the LGBTQIA Community”. Presented paper entitled LGBTQIA Issues Facing the New Administration: Employment, Medical Care, Personal Finances and Hunger.” April 9, 2021.
Moderator: Democracy and Social Justice Section of ASPA, reviewing books by Richard Greggory Johnson and Lorenda Naylor, May 26, 2021.
Presenter at the Democracy and Social Justice Section panel entitled “Rising to The Challenge: Modern Issues in LGBTQ+ Administration”, with a paper entitled“The LGBTQIA Community and the Pandemic: From Wreckage to Renaissance.” June 9 2021
"Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can" ~ John Wesley

(1) Campaign Manager for Lydia Lee for School Board campaign (through Nov., 2004) who attained first place in Primary and second place in General Election and was first Asian-American on Minneapolis School Board.
(2) Business Consultant and Office Manager, Rent Electrical Services, Inc., October, 2004.
(3) Campaign Manager, “Rod Krueger for Library Board” campaign (through Nov. 8, 2005) who attained fourth place in Primary election and second place in General Election.
(4) Campaign management activities:
(a) Floor Manager for Antonio Rosell, Latino/Hispanic candidate for Minnesota House of Representatives district 58B, June 20, 2006.
(b) Campaign manager for Juan Lopez, DFL endorsed candidate for Hennepin County Sheriff, September 9/October 9, 2006—Consolidated operations of campaign by designing and ordering 250,000 pieces of literature, assisted in decision making process designed to order 1000 signs, directed fixing the website (including e-mail and pay-pal function), and managed the campaign committee.
(5) Consultant to gubernatorial campaign for Mark Dayton in 2010.
(6) Managed a political campaign for Paula Overby, candidate for 2nd U.S. Congressional District.
Wally Swan has written several articles bearing upon the important field of Leadership, which fits within the field of Organization Theory and Behavior.
He has written one article called “Theories of Leadership” that was published in mid-2016. He has worked to ensure that all of the theories (often with different names) are grouped according to similar characteristics and explained in an easy-to-read presentation.A second article in the series of Springer articles discusses the “Trait Theory of Leadership, which summarizes the way in which this field has evolved into a recognition that there may be some similar traits of leaders; e.g. intelligence, ability to socialize, confidence in themselves, determination, and a positive ethical sense.
A third article in the series of Springer articles discusses “Transactional Leadership”, which is a contrasting theory to the more popular “Transformational Leadership.” Swan argues that most people work in a transactional setting (because of the requirements for standardization brought about by the digital age) and so it is important to explore this theory and how it might add to the quality of management for leaders.
2012-2019 Professional Accomplishments:
1. Presented a paper at the American Society for Public Administration conference in March 2012 on Cultural Competency based upon a 3 co-author chapter in the February 2012 book “Cultural Competency for Public Administrators”, Kristen Norman-Major and Susan Gooden, co-editors.
2. Presented paper about the contemporary status of American online, hybrid and face-to-face education for the International Conference on Public Administration, in October, 2012, in Hyderabad India; and moderated a panel on “Collaboration and Community Engagement.”
3. Presented paper entitled “The Context for Recent Advances in Social Equity” at the American Society for Public Administration conference on March 17, 2013 in New Orleans.
4. I presented a paper at National Academy of Public Administration Social Equity conference in Raleigh, North Carolina in June 2013.
5. Paper presented at International Conference on Public Administration scheduled for October 31-November 3, 2013 in Cape Town, South Africa: Title is “Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC’s): Implications for Public Administration and Policy.
6. Presented a paper at the American Society for Public Administration conference in March, 2014 in Washington D.C. entitled “Separate and Unequal: What is Left After the U.S. Supreme Court Decisions”.
7. Presented a paper entitled “Assessing the L.G.B.T. Future: Emphasis on Social Equity Issues”, May 30, 2014, National Academy of Public Administration Social Equity Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
8. Presented a paper at Southeast Conference for Public Administration titled “The Great Divide: New Initiatives Addressing LGBT Issues in the South”, September 18, 2014.
9. Presented two papers at the March 2015 ASPA National Conference: (a) “Engaging the LGBT Community”, and (b)”Ethics and LGBT Issues”.
10. Presented a paper at the National Academy of Public Administration Social Equity conference in Nashville, Tennessee on June 4, 2015 entitled “Using Data to Ensure that Equity is Achieved for the L.G.B.T Community”
11. Book published in 2015: “Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Civil Rights: A Public Policy Agenda for Uniting a Divided America”, CRC Press.
12. National webinar for American Society for Public Administration on June 25, 2015 entitled “Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Civil Rights: A Public Policy Agenda for Uniting a Divided America”
13. Article entitled “Ethics and LGBT Issues”, Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, 2015.
14. Presented a paper at the American Society for Public Administration national conference, “LGBT Health Disparities: The Data and Administrative Implications”, Seattle, March 21, 2016.
15. National Academy of Public Administration Social Equity Leadership Conference “Youth, Adult, and Senior LGBT Homelessness”, June 2, 2016.
16. National Academy of Public Administration Social Equity Leadership Conference,“The Results of the Obergefell Marriage Decision: Backlash Around the Country”,June 3, 2016.
17. Academy of Business Research Presentation, Biloxi Mississippi, “Developing an Integrated Course for Business, Non-Profit and Government Students”, October 20,2016 (Biloxi Mississippi—via Skype).
1.Presented a paper at the American Society for Public Administration national conference, “LGBT Health Disparities: The Data and Administrative Implications”, Seattle, March 21, 2016
2. National Academy of Public Administration Social Equity Leadership Conference “Youth, Adult, and Senior LGBT Homelessness”, June 2, 2016
3. National Academy of Public Administration Social Equity Leadership Conference, “The Results of the Obergefell Marriage Decision: Backlash around the Country”, June 3, 2016.
4. Academy of Business Research Presentation, Biloxi Mississippi, “Developing an Integrated Course for Business, Non-Profit and Government Students”, October 20, 2016 (Biloxi Mississippi—via Skype).
5. American Society for Public Administration, “Scanning the Horizon: Future Issues Impacting LGBT Public Administration and Policy” March 20, 2017.
6. 2017 Joint Meeting of Social Equity Leadership Conference with Midwest Public Affairs Conference and Teaching Public Administration conference, “Understanding What is Happening in L.G.B.T.Q.I.A. Public Policy in the New Administration”, June 1, 2017, Omaha Nebraska.
7. American Society for Public Administration, “The Future of LGBTQIA Public Policy and Administration”, March 10, 2018, Denver, Colorado.
8. Equality, Diversity Inclusion Conference, “The Populist Challenge to the LGBTQ Community in the Twenty-First Century”, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 16, 2018.
9. Presenter, Graduate School USA discussion, “The Routledge Handbook of LGBTQIA Administration and Policy”, March 8, 2019
10. Chair, American Society for Public Administration panel, “The Routledge Handbook of LGBTQIA Administration and Policy”, March10, 2019
11. Chair, JustUs Health, “The Routledge Handbook of LGBTQIA Administration and Policy”, April 8-9 2019
12. Presentation at University of Minnesota School of Social Work, “The Routledge Handbook of LGBTQIA Administration and Policy”, April 12, 2019
13. Chaired panel entitled “New Directions in LGBTQIA Administration and Policy” at the Midwest Public Affairs Conference and Teaching Public Administration Conference at Indiana University, Purdue University at Indianapolis on September 19, 2019.
14. Chaired panel entitled “New Directions in LGBTQIA Social Policy and Treatment Issues” at the St. Louis County (Duluth) Health and Human Services Conference on October 11, 2019.
15. Chaired panel at the Northeast Conference on Public Administration at the Brooklyn (NY) campus of Long Island University on November 8, 2019.
16. Social Equity Leadership Conference (virtual), Humphrey Institute, University of Minnesota, “The Routledge Handbook of LGBTQIA Administration and Policy”, June 11, 2020
In November 2012, Wally traveled to Hyderabad, India, (see photo above), for International Conference on Public Administration 2012, where he presented a paper about online, face to face and hybrid public administration education and co-moderated a panel on collaboration.
- Dr. Swan received the 1995 Myers Center Award for the Study of Human Rights in North America for outstanding work on levels of tolerance in North America–based upon publication of his book entitled Breaking the Silence…published by the American Society for Public Administration.
- Wally was named to “Who’s Who in America” (2021-2022)
- Dr. Swan was given a Faculty Excellence Award, Walden University, 2017
Wally served three terms as both Vice President and President of the Minneapolis Board of Estimate and Taxation (through Dec. 31, 2005). Jointly responsible for (l) Auditing city functions, (2) Setting the property tax levy for the Library and Park Boards as well as City functions, and (3) Management of $1.2 billion capital bonding for the City of Minneapolis.
"Wally works hard on integrating theory and practice and delivers this in the classroom experiences with students while working in practical settings to use theory to enrich management." ~ Don Menzel,

“A very valuable learning experience. Would like to have Dr. Swan as an instructor again, this time at a higher level class so I could call on his vast experience in public service.”