Professional Presentations

1. Presented two papers in 2011: co-moderated an ICPA panel entitled “Governance Issues” (introducing it in Chinese), and presented a paper entitled “Social Media and Public Administration/Policy: A New Tool for Governance”. At the International Ethics Symposium in Chengdu, Wallace Swan presented a paper entitled “The Ethics of Social Networking: What are the Issues and How Do We Train Public and Non-Profit Managers to Deal with the Problems?”; as well as summarizing and critiquing the work of the Ethics panel that he was on at the Plenary session.
2. Presenter on “Public Service as a Profession” panel on the subject “Implementation of Internet-Based Public Administration Programs” at the International Conference on Public Administration, at the Australian National University, Canberra, October 23, 2010.
3. Moderator of Panel on “Network and Governance” at the International Conference on Public Administration, at the Australian National University, Canberra, October 23, 2010.
4. Co-Moderated Panel on “Performance Issues (inclusive of Emergency and Catastrophic Management)” in Chengdu, China during the International Conference on Public Administration, October 23-25, 2009.
5. Chaired Panel on “Public-Private Partnerships” at International Conference on Public Administration, September 2008 and presented paper on “Effects of the Melting of the Global Ice Packs on International Governance” at Humphrey Institute, Minneapolis in September 2008.
6. Chaired panel on Homicide Research at Minnesota Social Service Association Conference in March 2008.
7. Served as Chair of Panel at Minnesota Social Service Association conference, March 2006, “GLBT Seniors: New Policy Developments.”
8. Presentation to Minnesota delegates to the “White House Conference on Aging”, November 17, 2005 about GLBT seniors.
9. Chair of Panel at Minnesota Social Service Association conference, March 2004, “New Directions in GLBT Public Policy”; presented at First Unitarian Society in Minneapolis, March, 2004.
10. Presented paper entitled “Teaching Public Fiscal Management”, at the national “Teaching Public Administration Conference”, Madison, Wisconsin, February 12-14, 2004.
11. Chaired the panel on “Global Developments in GLBT Public Administration” at the ASPA National Conference from April 1-4, 2000 in San Diego; and presented the paper entitled “A Queer New Global Paradigm”.
12. “Campaign Management and Public Administration”, presented April 13, 1999 at ASPA National Conference in Orlando, Florida.
13. The ‘Wally Swan for Minnesota State Treasurer Campaign”, presented at the Human Rights Campaign “Out/Vote Conference” in Washington D.C. (Sept. 18-19, 1998) and at the First Unitarian Society, Minneapolis, on November 1, 1998.
14. Numerous panels and presentations on the subject of GLBT issues in the field of Public Administration including a presentation on “The New Cultural Struggle…” at the 1995 ASPA Conference.
15. “Maintaining Motivation During Severe Cutbacks within Non-Profit and Government Agencies”, ASPA Region XII, Honolulu, October 18, 1994.
16. “Analyzing the Glass Ceiling: Implications for Managers”, Region VII, American Society for Public Administration, Omaha, September 1992.
17. Convener of “Candidate Development and Campaign Financing Workshop”, Brian Coyle Caucus, August 1992.
18. “Professionalism and Testing: Integrating Professional Testing Requirements into State Law and Civil Service Regulations”, Presented at 1982 American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) Conference.
19. Program Chair of Region VII ASPA Conference in 1980; and presented paper: “Mid-Career Issues for Administrators”.
20. Attended Region VII ASPA Conference (1977, 1979) and presented on the topic of “Monitoring/Accounting for the Delivery of Human Services”,Topeka, 1979.
21. “Strategy involving Development of Management/Executive Potential at the County Level”, ASPA Conference, 1978.
22. “The Changing Picture in Welfare”, Presentation at Region 8 of MSSA in Rochester, 1971.