
1. “Effects of the Melting of the Global Ice Packs on International Governance” in Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Public Administration.

2. “New Developments in the Delivery of Internet-Based Public Administration Courses in Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Public Administration.

3. “Implementation of Internet-Based Public Administration Programs” in Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Public Administration.

4. “Social Media and Public Administration/Policy: A New Tool for Governance” in Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Public Administration.

Major Book Publishers:

1. Breaking the Silence: Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Issues in Public Administration. American Society for Public Administration, 1995

2. GLBT Public Policy Issues:  A Citizen’s and Administrator’s Guide to the New Cultural Struggle,(including Instructor’s Guide), The Harrington Park Press, 1997.

3. International Journal of Public Administration, editor of Vol.25, No. 1, January 2002

4. Handbook of GLBT Administration and Policy, Taylor and Francis (Marcel Dekker),

5. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Civil Rights, A Public Policy Agenda for Uniting a Divided America, 2015, CRC Press.

6. The Routledge Handbook of LGBTQ Administration and Policy, Routledge, 2019​


1. “Decision Making” in Organization Theory and Management, Dr. Thomas Lynch, Marcel Dekker, 1983.

2. “Theoretical Debates in Budgeting” in Handbook on Public Budgeting and Financial Management, Drs. Jack Rabin and Thomas Lynch, Marcel Dekker, 1983.

3. Three chapters from Breaking the Silence by this author were reprinted in Wie aufgeklart is die Verwaltung? Lesben/Schwule und offentliche Verwaltung edited by Dr. Ilse Kokula, Senatsverwaltung fur Schule, Jugend und Sport,Berlin, Germany (1996).  Two chapters from Breaking the Silence… by Emma Hixson and Stephen Wade were re-printed in Audrey Matthews’ Readings to Accompany the Sum of Differences , McGraw-Hill, 1999.

4.  “It Has Been A Long Journey from Kearney”, chapter in “The Queer Community: Continuing the Struggle for Social Justice”, Richard Johnson III ed., April, 2009.

5. “Cultural Competency around Sexual and Gender Orientation and Identity”, Co-authors: Wallace Swan, Mark French, and Kristen Norman –Major in “Cultural Competency for Public Administrators”, Kristen Norman-Major and Susan Gooden, Co-editors.


1. “Separation of Aides and Services”, Minnesota Welfare, Summer ,1970; re-published in Public Welfare, (Journal of the American Public Welfare Association) Summer 1971.

2. “Administrative Analysis in Public Welfare”, Minnesota Welfare, Spring, 1971.

3. “Advocacy and the Hatch Act”, Minnesota Welfare, Fall, 1971.

4. “Interactional Analysis in Social Welfare Administration”, with Thomas Lynch, Minnesota Welfare, Spring 1972.

5. “Revenue Sharing: Some Implications for Social Welfare”, Minnesota Welfare, Summer, 1973.

6. “Regionalization and Human Services Integration Activities in Minnesota”, with Dr. Loring McAllister, People, (formerly Minnesota Welfare), Summer, 1974.

7. “Research and the Political Process: Experience with a Plan for Deinstitutionalization”, Policy Studies, Volume 4, Issue 3, pages 254-260, March, 1976 (First published online September 9, 2005, by Wiley-Blackwell).

8. “Planning and Evaluation at the Local Level”, People, Spring, 1975.

9. “AIDS in the Workplace: Another Perspective”, Public Administration Review, July/August, 1992.

Book Reviews:

1. Review of “Toward a Social Report”, in Minnesota Welfare, Winter 1969.

2. Review of “The Black Badge”, in Minnesota Welfare, Fall 1970.


“Businesses, Non-Profits, and Unions with Domestic Partners Benefits”, in Gleichgeschlechtliche “Ehen” ,Professor Dr. Bea Verschraegen, Vienna, Austria, 1994.